28mm Warlord Games Roman Auxiliaries painted by Monty's. The mat is the Monty's Marvellous Mats temperate prototype.

28mm Warlord Games Roman Auxiliary Command painted by Monty's figure painting service. The mat is the Monty's Marvellous Mats temperate prototype.

More 28mm Warlord Games Roman Auxiliary Command painted by Monty's. The tower is from Hovels, also painted by us. The mat is the Monty's Marvellous Mats temperate prototype.

"At my signal, unleash Hell!" 1st Corps 28mm Eastern Auxiliary Archer, painted by us.

Warlord Games 28mm Eastern Auxiliary Archers, painted by us.

Warlord Games 28mm Western Auxiliary Archers, painted by us.